Counters To The Uma Plata Defense
Hey guys! Welcome to the Elite MMA tip of the week.
hey guys welcome to the Elite MMA tip of
the week
hey guys Jordan with you again and today
we’re going to be working on some
counters for my partner’s omoplata
defense right so we are going to get
ourselves into the all mulatto position
so isolate my partner’s shoulder
bringing my hip over the top and
transition my grips a most common
counter to the omoplata bottom control
of my partner’s hips is they’re gonna
bring their shoulders back in to start
to save their arm I’m going to take my
hips elevate bring my outside leg across
I’m going to lock up a triangle grip
here okay in defense for the triangle my
partner starts to sit his shoulders up
take the arm elevate the hips get the
armbar we look forward to seeing you on
the map