John Gorrell


John Gorrell


Testimonial from John Gorrell


jungle room 30 years old I’m an adult
insane technicians almost three years
ago now my goal was basically just stay
in shape you know have a very thin
compared to sport since college and I
felt like I was getting out of shape you
know you wrote a lot so I’m not really
big a book Oh a jogger so I wanted
something to want to learn something new
in st. been a process nice good shape
I’ve done numerous jiu-jitsu tournament
dine animated fights so I started off
with something just stay in shape but as
I kept going up on myself window could
be noted seem to still really work oh
wow I started I was 215 pounds I
remember right now I’m sitting at about
165 of course I was you know I found
myself being out of shape you know I was
kind of kind of put it off for a while
because you know I have back problems I
had bad knees you know all of that was
as a result we been out of shape as I
started training you know the back pain
disappeared about joint Hilton
pretty much better shape down to 15
years Williams oh yeah was very painful
you know my choice because college
anyway if you don’t maintain awesome as
you Joyce can’t support it you know I
had to lose the weight and had my specs
are gonna be back to Jason played a big
part of nagging oh it was being flexible
and more agile so I was able to stay
hill here all my life actually I she
started high school I’m actually just
now starting soon it’s crazy I tried now
I was playing flag football stuff like
that’s more it’s more of a hobby it’s
not early stage same kind of
play basketball a couple weekends but
nothing really pushing everything was
like you know just kind of laid back
having fun nothing really competitive
didn’t really push me oh it’s crazy
because I actually came into one large
aquino and uh I want to come other
schools and at the time this was part of
one of the few schools of using a
headache only program and I came in I
met hi he shouldn’t meet you jitsu that
I’ve never heard of it like that I felt
a little bit so I started out trying dad
and started boxing because everything’s
came together just such a wonder more so
many options you know been able to I
just want to take advantage of
everything give my butt up you know I’ve
been a slack off I got home you know
there’s no a big family when you’re not
around you know people ask you about
Shirley hey you know are you coming to
work out your home sitting on your butt
you gonna come out how actually I turn
it into a positive make your
relationships and maintain them
you know as it felt like a second home
over time you know like I didn’t look at
as a chilled reversal down look forward
to doing every day so I get up work I
rushed over here I live like 45 minutes
away and I’ve dropped him trafficking
here I was like the highlight Monday the
one of course I look better than I did
five years ago you know my fiance she
decided you know I’m a much better shape
I’m able to be competitive again like I
said I’ve always been a federal sports
so with your cottage in it it’s kind of
let down you can’t compete anymore you
know your next competitor person you’d
have no outlet for that you know the
tournaments and the fight you know just
give me something to do it’s good fun
man it keeps me in shape you don’t and
it’s crazy because a lot of people
towards a goal and you see the change of
your time I become more confident things
I’ve done I mean I go through three
hours of training I feel like I can
accomplish it nothing bothers me I
didn’t sit my back that’s that’s that I
figured that actually wear and tear my
body and you know eventually it’ll be
too much weight it’s crazy like my back
pain is completely going away
I could ship it to the you know just
just a strength and conditioning
getting flexibility back and just taken
care of by this because notice I’ve
trained you know we’re encouraged to
take care of us those are magicians
you know getting the right breast no
trying to take care of each other and
over time like I’ve gotten help yup
everything’s gotten better memories more
joints definitely it’s like ah to until
you face something guy that you don’t
know who wants to take your head off and
you get in and you meet the head on and
do you realize that you know is that you
can’t stand you know you can’t stand
them too so I know you can
big client right now and it’s like you
know the words she could do to move
still we know you know not going to
reach over question in the face you know
we’re going to walk out of here
everybody in good shape as far as I my
energy levels up man I find myself that
work may not have to be tired all day
just sluggish now it’s like I’m always
in a judging on one’s ready to go I mean
we keyed up
consultations better just I guess it is
a health increases everything else just
disposing other than that you know just
just done my time here you know be here
today kick me out

Mixed Martial Arts Houston


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