What is MMA?

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Mixed martial artsalso known as MMA, is a term for the combat sport in which two competitors attempt to achieve dominance over one another by utilizing three general tactics: striking, finishing holds, and control. The rules allow the combatants to use a variety of martial arts techniques including punches, kicks, joint-locks, chokes, takedowns, and throws. Victory is normally gained through knockout, submission (one fighter concedes victory to the other by tapping the mat or his opponent with his hand), or stoppage by the referee, the fight doctor, or a competitor’s cornerman.

MMA is also alternatively called NHB (for No Holds Barred), but this term is mostly retired. It is no longer an accurate description of the modern competitions which utilize many more rules than before. The first Ultimate Fighting Championship’s only rules were against eye-gouging, fish-hooking, and biting. It was not unusual to see hair-pulling, toe-stomping, and people being choked with the lapels of their clothing. One infamous early match even featured one combatant repeatedly striking his opponent in the groin. Currently, all of the major promotions have a list of rules and banned techniques.

MMA is also used to describe any modern style of martial arts which incorporate techniques and theories from several sportive martial arts. This especially applies to MMA styles which incorporate a mixture of ground fighting, stand-up striking, and takedowns in their training. The main goal of this article is to provide information about MMA as a “realistic, few rules, full-contact fight sport” rather than to describe hybrid martial arts that are not typically used in minimal-rules sporting environments.


As a result of these sporting events, martial arts training and the understanding of the combat effectiveness of various strategies have changed dramatically over the last ten years. While the early years included the widest possible variety of styles (everything from Sumo to Karate), modern fighters often train in a mixture of only three styles: Amateur Wrestling (focusing on clinches and takedowns), Submission Wrestling (focusing on submissions and positioning on the ground), and Kickboxing (usually Muay Thai) (focusing on striking).

These three distinct styles coincide with the “phases of combat” theory, which suggests that fights can be broken into three distinct phases, each requiring completely different skill sets: stand-up fighting, clinch fighting, and ground fighting. According to the theory, a fighter’s best strategy is to determine the phase in which he has the greatest advantage over his opponent and then to force the fight to take place in that phase. It currently appears that this is mainly correct, in the sense that if you are equally skilled in all phases of combat, you are prepared to take advantage of any weaknesses in your opponent.

Modern MMA training incorporates a holistic approach to physical conditioning, incorporating elements such as strength and conditioning, cardiovascular training, and flexibility exercises. Fighters need to be in peak physical condition to compete at the highest levels, and this requires a rigorous and disciplined training regimen.

Additionally, mental toughness and psychological preparation are critical components of a fighter’s training. The ability to stay calm under pressure, maintain focus, and execute a game plan are all essential to success in the cage. Many fighters work with sports psychologists to develop these mental skills, ensuring they are as prepared mentally as they are physically.

Prominent examples of MMA organizations are the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) and Pride Fighting Championships. The UFC, in particular, has played a significant role in popularizing the sport and setting the standard for modern MMA competitions. For more information about MMA’s evolution over time, see our history of mixed martial arts. For more information about MMA’s evolution over time, see our history of mixed martial arts.

Want to give mixed martial arts a try? Set up your complimentary private lesson today to get started!


Training in MMA offers numerous benefits beyond learning self-defense. It is an excellent way to improve physical fitness, as it combines cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises. MMA training also enhances mental toughness, discipline, and confidence. Whether you’re looking to compete or simply want to get in shape, MMA provides a comprehensive workout that challenges both body and mind.

MMA training can help develop a variety of skills, including improved hand-eye coordination, faster reflexes, and better overall agility. The diversity of techniques and training methods used in MMA means that practitioners can enjoy a dynamic and varied workout that keeps them engaged and motivated.

Furthermore, the camaraderie and sense of community found in many MMA gyms can be a significant motivational factor. Training alongside others who share similar goals can create a supportive and encouraging environment, helping individuals push themselves to new heights.


Interested in trying mixed martial arts? Set up your complimentary private lesson today to begin your journey into the world of MMA. Our experienced instructors will guide you through the basics and help you develop the skills needed to succeed.

Beginners are often encouraged to start with the basics, learning fundamental techniques and gradually building up their skillset. Many gyms offer introductory classes that cover the essentials, providing a solid foundation for further training.

It’s also important to choose the right gym and instructors. Look for a reputable gym with experienced coaches who can provide proper guidance and support. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and visit multiple gyms to find the best fit for your needs and goals.


  • What are the basic rules of MMA?

    MMA competitions are governed by rules that prohibit certain dangerous techniques, such as eye-gouging, biting, and fish-hooking. Fighters must wear approved gear, including gloves, mouthguards, and groin protectors. Matches are typically divided into rounds, and victory can be achieved through knockout, submission, or referee stoppage.

  • Is MMA safe?

    While MMA is a combat sport, modern regulations and safety protocols have made it much safer than in its early days. Major organizations have strict rules to protect fighters, including mandatory medical checks and trained referees who can stop fights to prevent serious injury.

  • What styles are commonly used in MMA?

    Common styles in MMA include Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Wrestling, Muay Thai, Boxing, and Kickboxing. Fighters often train in multiple disciplines to become well-rounded and effective in all phases of combat.

  • Can beginners train in MMA

    Yes, beginners are welcome in MMA training. Most gyms offer classes tailored to different skill levels, and instructors are experienced in teaching newcomers the basics of the sport.

  • What equipment do I need to start MMA training?

    Basic equipment for MMA training includes gloves, hand wraps, a mouthguard, and appropriate athletic clothing. As you progress, you might also need shin guards, headgear, and other protective gear.

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