Jose Aguilar

Jose Aguilar - Elite-MMA Instructor

Greenway Galleria MMA Instructor

Birth place: Texas

Profession: Martial Arts Instructor

What classes do you teach: BJJ Adults: men’s and women’s, Kids BJJ, No-Gi BJJ, , Thai Boxing for MMA, Adult MMA, Teen MMA, Personal Fitness, Conditioning, and Personal Self-Defense

What is your martial arts teaching history and where do you currently teach? I’ve been teaching martial arts a little over a year now. I started out assisting the kids jiu jitsu class and moved up to teaching other classes like cardio kickboxing, adult jiu jitsu etc. I am currently teaching at the Westheimer and Greenway locations.

What is your current rank in martial arts? I am currently a one stripe purple belt in w.

What caused you to start practicing martial arts? I have always had an interest as a child and ever since I tried my first class in 2010 I have been hooked.

What is your educational background? I am currently a sophomore at Houston community college. Then I will be looking to transfer at the University of Houston where I will be finishing with a bachelor’s degree in accounting.

Do you have a competitive history in martial arts? Yes, I started competing three months into my training. Mainly jiu jitsu tournaments, I’ve won many local and international tournaments. My most recent accomplishment was taking a gold medal in the Abu Dahbi Jiu Jitsu Trials and the Houston International Open.

What do you see is the main benefit the average individual can receive from martial arts? The main benefit I see that the average individual will receive is a world-class support system. You are not just someone that comes in and out, you are a part of our community. We makes sure we are there for you and to help you in the goals you want to accomplish.

What is your favorite part about practicing martial arts? My favorite part about practicing martial arts is that the art is not in one dimension, it is more than that. Its not just physical, it is mental and it involves other areas of your life. Martial arts helps you sharpen yourself in all areas of life, making you a more well-rounded individual.

Where do you hope martial arts will take you later in your life? I see myself sharing what have been given to me. Really showing people how martial arts really can do positive things in your life.

Mixed Martial Arts Houston


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