Ashley Nguyen

Ashley Nguyen - Elite-MMA Instructor

Houston MMA Instructor

Birth place: Dallas, TX

Profession: Pharmacist

What martial art(s) have trained in: 

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu  2005-present

Muay Thai/Kickboxing  2002-present

Tae Kwon Do- yellow belt

Number of years of training martial arts: During undergrad at North Texas, I started cardio kickboxing, which started me on a journey through some Tae Kwon Do and several different kickboxing styles until eventually I worked my way to Jiu-Jitsu in 2005.

What classes do you teach: Adult BJJ

What is a memorable moment for you at Elite MMA? The first day I came in to try out a class. By then I had already taken classes from several different martial arts schools across Texas and I thought this place would be just like the rest. I just needed to relieve some stress from pharmacy school and find a place to workout that would fit my schedule. What I got was a whole new life.

In your own words why do you enjoy Elite MMA? Everyone is welcome at Elite. It doesn’t matter who you are, what you do for a living, if you are a guy or a girl, young or old, black belt or white belt everyone is treated equally and with respect.

Do you have any martial arts accomplishments that you are proud of and why? Starting Girls in Gis. Girls in Gis has created a whole new experience for women in Jiu-Jitsu. Before I started Girls in Gis, I hadn’t trained with many women. There weren’t that many women doing Jiu-Jitsu and the ones that were all seemed to be fighting against each other. Girls in Gis has not only unified the community, it has created an environment where women are a welcome part of the sport. .

Are there any professional accomplishments that you are proud of and why? It was a huge accomplishment for me to become a pharmacist and then I immediately felt trapped by the demands of being a healthcare professional. What I am really proud of is my evolution as a pharmacist and how I have created a job in the healthcare industry that works for me, works for my family and works for my Jiu-Jitsu training.

What hobbies do you enjoy and why? I have been learning to surf for several years now and I have a secret crafting addiction (don’t tell anyone I do girly stuff). I love to create things and have something amazing show up where there was nothing before.

Any memorable family moments that you would like to share? Not only do I have a really cool husband, I have the most perfect, amazing daughter imaginable.

Academic accomplishments: PharmD from University of Houston and a BA in Journalism/Advertising from University of North Texas

Everyday is something new and always filled with more things than it seems possible to get done. I always make sure I have some uninterrupted time to talk with my husband. I’m a Jiu-Jitsu brown belt, pharmacist, mom who loves her life.

Mixed Martial Arts Houston


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