Value Of Martial Arts


Value Of Martial Arts


Hey guys! Welcome to the Elite MMA tip of the week.


hey guys welcome to the Elite MMA tip of
the week
hi this is Eric from the leafy tip for
the day I want to speak about how to
value added value of martial arts so I
love all kinds of sports I think they’re
incredible but I have a special passion
for martial arts and part of the reason
is is the character development that
comes from martial arts it’s been around
for a couple thousand years and martial
are just kind of renowned for the
character development the integrity the
respect the honor the dignity the
humility and so that’s implemented
inside of good martial arts programs and
so what I find is is that whether my
children were playing football baseball
softball gymnastics if I had him in a
martial art my martial arts program at
least two days a week it was given them
a strong foundation for that character
development that sometimes gets put in a
regular sports program and sometimes
doesn’t as long as they were doing that
in the background and then I built the
other sports programs on top of that
character development it comes from the
martial arts it turned out to be a great
formula and I encourage it it to get a
try Thanks we look forward to seeing you
on the map

Mixed Martial Arts Houston


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Mixed Martial Arts Houston


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