Tying BJJ Belt
Hi my name is Mitch Norton. I’m here to show you how to tie your Jiu Jitsu belts today.
hi my name is Mitch Norton these I’m
here to show you how to tie your digits
about today first you’re going to take
your key top and you want to take the
left collar over the right color the
most simple way to tie your belt is to
find the very middle of the bells to put
on your belly button lint Rossa
behind your back and bring to the front
the ones here you’re going to take one
side over the top of the other and
you’re gonna go underneath both layers
and the belt pull it out over the top
pull it nice and tight me and now you’re
gonna again take that top layer over the
bottom and you’re gonna cross pull it
underneath pull your about nice and
tight to the side you don’t want to pull
it up and down to the side and another a
little bit more advanced way to tie your
belt it’s called the super lock it’s
gonna keep your belt tied a little
tighter for up through a flaps so again
you want to find the end of the belt
this time yeah place it right on your
hip now you’re gonna take the belt
around your waist
two times leaving that end you started
with underneath the layers that you wrap
around once you get to the end of the
belt you’re gonna take it underneath
both layers and pull it out on top then
you’re gonna find the original and you
started with and pull it underneath
pulling your belt nice and tight first
you’re going to start with the lower
layer you’re gonna curl it in place it
in between the two layers of the belt
and you’re gonna leave it a little loose
you want to have an opening here and now
you’re gonna take the top layer
you’re gonna weave it inside the loop
you’ve left for yourself and then weave
it between the two layers of the belt so
it should look about like this now
you’re gonna find the two ends and
you’re gonna pull it nice and tight okay
what that does is it leaves you oh nice
secure knot it doesn’t leave any
crossover or twists and develop
all right so again my name is Mitch
Norton and that’s how to tie your belt