Elite MMA Kingwood Final Buildout Update
Elite MMA Kingwood Final Buildout Update
hey guys welcome to the elite oven-baked
Kingwood now complete alright so real
quick soon as you walk in you’ll see on
that space 1,800 square feet of dollar
more mats we have brand new heavy bags
Thai bags think they’re like 120 pounds
they feel like it may be warm right
professional bag hanging system we have
seating up here so friends and family
can come and watch too in class we have
cubbies for your gear bags up front here
we have keys so if you need a second key
you guys can come in and pick up a
second ey or a blue we have school
patches here see video clips of classes
any news updates will be flashing over
here also this is our front office
so shrine to me and mr. Mitchell right
they become in this basic table right
from your meetings or anything like that
new student signups back here okay come
on back with me show you guys
professional timer got our student park
system back there okay so everybody gets
issued a student ID student guard
attractive progress
back here we have a water fountain so
you forget to bring a bottle of water or
you just run out of water plenty here we
go okay now we have three bathrooms dead
first ones men’s restroom got to
changing salts okay so you can bring
their gear get cheese in here now the
ladies restroom often themself we have
another men’s restroom okay it’s empty
and then we have a third changing stall
okay so bring your gear with you in a
bag you guys need to get dressed up here
feel free don’t leave anything on
changing stalls and pretty much does it
so invite everybody to come out come in
and experience new Elite MMA Kingwood
thanks guys