Elite MMA Kickboxing Ranking System
When you get into a tough martial art, you’re going to want to quit.
You should want to quit.
If you don’t want to quit at some time, it’s probably not worth doing.
Anything that I’ve ever accomplished in my life was very difficult, and I thought about
quitting multiple times doing it, but it was the perseverance that really made it pay off.
And that’s what makes it so great once you accomplish it.
We wanted to create a ranking system because we find them very beneficial.
The ranking system is a way to give some structure to the kickboxing.
It’s similar to the ranking system in our Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and we want to implement
that so that people who are doing kickboxing have a little bit more structure.
We’re really excited about it.
The ranking system isn’t going to make you a great fighter, but it’s going to give you
a structure within which we hope to speed up the performance of our classes and of our
You know my thing is is that all martial arts are very subjective and ranking is very subjective
everywhere you go.
Just find one that you like, that fits your needs, where you’re on a growth pattern and
you’re accomplishing what you want to accomplish.
What really matters is what you’re doing, who you’re being.
Can you do your discipline and at what level and who are you being inside of that.
Life is optimized through you looking at others for guidance, leadership, and possibility,
but then really taking off and getting on the court, getting on the field, getting on
the mat, and accomplishing it yourself.