Elite MMA – Ashley and Frost Self Defense Drag Defense


Elite MMA – Ashley and Frost Self Defense Drag Defense


What would you do? Stop, Drop and Roll! Works for Fires and against attackers!! Even if you don’t train martial arts, I bet you remember how to throw a fit! Go down kicking and screaming, don’t go with them to the next spot, it will get worse… fight it out there!


hey guys Frost and Ashley here again
talking self-defense we get a lot of
questions and people say what happens is
so many tries to grab me from behind and
dragged me and throw me in a car or
something like that so here I’m gonna
run up I’m gonna grab Ashley from behind
I’m gonna go to Dragon pull her in the
car she’s gonna what I like to call stop
drop and roll right just like you
learned in school with the fire stuff
she’s gonna stop drop she’s gonna be on
her back and then she’s gonna start
kicking right so one more time real time
she’s up it’s really hard for me to it’s
really hard for me to drag her and take
her somewhere so if you can’t remember
anything if you don’t have very much
training at all remember stop drop and
don’t go with somebody to the next spot
fight it out right there

Mixed Martial Arts Houston


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