Elite MMA – Ashley and Frost Bathroom Toilet Self Defense
Elite MMA Coaches Frost and Ashely show what they would do if attacked while on the throne. Hold off the attacker, then get out of dodge ASAP. What would you do??!!
hey guys Robin Ashley here with you
leader today we’re talking about the
room self-defense today okay so a lot of
girls actually step into this dog here a
lot of girls are often concerned about
what happens if they can’t attack in the
bathroom so if the attacker is trying to
come in through the front actually come
over the top this way and when she’s got
either out the door or as I’m on my way
over she’s gonna pull down and drop me
in the toilet right right down the
toilet bowl bonk my head on the toilet
wouldn’t be fun I hope you never have to
use it the hope it helps if it works