Elite MMA – Ashley and Frost Bathroom Self Defense Guillitine to Run
hi askin bras here today we’re talking
about some bathroom self-defense so I
know for me sometimes a bathroom to be
an uncomfortable situation because you
never know what you’re walking into
and if somewhere someone were to come in
and try to attack you and they blocked
off the one exit through the bathroom it
makes it difficult to escape so today
we’re gonna show you one way that it
could go if somebody were to somebody
were to attack you in the bathroom
so let’s do that slow motion one more
so as my attacker comes up you try to
take me down and push me to the ball I’m
going to wrap my arm around his head
it’s called a guillotine try wrap my arm
around his head and then I grab her with
my other arm like this and pull it one
right there can be a choke
if not you can Ram their head into the
ball or throw them to the side so that
you can get past them to get out of the