Attacks From Side Control Own Lapel Bm9
Hey guys! Welcome to the Elite MMA tip of the week.
hey guys welcome to the Elite MMA tip of
the week
hey guys Jordan we’re gonna continue
some attacks from the side control this
time we’re gonna actually use our own
lapel to finish a choke so I stopped my
partner inside control position now all
of these side control attacks are making
sure we use a lot of shoulder pressure
to create a distraction so my partner’s
not concerned he’s not really thinking
about what I’m doing with my hands
sitting at the tax okay so I use a lot
of shoulder pressure here okay I’m gonna
switch my shoulder back I’m actually
gonna unbe right over the belt okay so I
put it in my hand
I’m gonna grab at the same time my
partner’s outside me okay now I pop up
to the knee on the stomach okay I really
pull that collar to make sure his hands
drop down he feels the pressure for the
now I’m gonna feed my lapel to my hand
okay now from here I’m going to make
sure I swim behind the hip and my knees
at the top north-south position and now
as I drop my hand to the side
that one is the bm9 we look forward to
seeing you on the map