Aaron Woo
Testimonial from Aaron Woo
my name is Aaron whoo I’m 36 I’m an
attorney in a trend here at Wheaton
mixed martial arts started about a
little bit over a year ago I got sick of
working out doing the same old same old
one two or something dude gets
exercising just weight training a little
bit soccer running three years now so
you know elite hashtag name date from
the introduced me to the class and
everyone’s really cool over here what
the guys uh playing soccer but my body
at that at that point was starting to
break down a little so one simple little
list let’s join a pencil I just family
atmosphere much really cool year at home
one big family here let’s put this
splint confidence back from lunch and
give me another another element that
worked out and you know it’s good
camaraderie here guys not just learning
from everybody in here you know the
contempo life to find myself being more
focused at more discipline why did you
know he read philosophy in here to life
and spend grid you know it’s a
definitely got myself back in shape and
you know looking one better physically
and mentally I’m launched on it’s great
place you’re going to come check it out
how we recommend staying