Loyd Agra
Loyd Agra - Elite-MMA Instructor
Birth place: Jersey City, New Jersey
Profession: Licensed Professional Counselor
What classes do you teach: Muay Thai, Kardio Kickboxing
What martial art(s) have trained in: Muay Thai, Yaw-Yan, Arnis/Escrima/Kali, Western boxing, Jiu-Jitsu
Number of years of training martial arts: 35yrs
When did you start teaching at Elite MMA? about 3yrs
Where do you currently work? I am currently in Private Practice and own my own business.
What is a memorable moment for you at Elite MMA? Receiving my black belt in Muay Thai from the coaches at Elite. While in traditional Muay Thai there are no rankings, it was a great honor to be acknowledged by a group of martial artists whom I respect and admire profoundly.
Do you have any martial arts accomplishments that you are proud of and why? I have such a deep and passionate love and respect for the martial arts and I have had the honor of training with and being taught by Martial Artists for whom I have a profound respect and admiration, such as Kru Pong, my Muay Thai instructor for about 15 yrs, and the various coaches at Elite MMA. Being asked by them to teach and to pass on the knowledge and experience I’ve gained from them is the greatest compliment and greatest honor I have in martial arts.
Are there any professional accomplishments that you are proud of and why? I received by Master’s Degree in Psychology when I was 24, and have been a licensed clinician for the past 22 years. I have been able to successfully run my own practice for the past 11 years. When I consider the difficulty that some of my professional colleagues have experienced in their attempts to maintain a private practice successfully, the fact that I’ve been able to provides me a sense of gratitude and pride for the opportunity and success that I’ve had.
Any sports/activities that you participated in that you are proud of? Martial Arts has really been the only thing I’ve ever participated in seriously and consistently. However, when I was 35 I completed a Triathlon, which was a considerable achievement for me given that I don’t like to run and I am not a particularly strong swimmer.
What hobbies do you enjoy and why? Outside of martial arts, I enjoy cycling and rock climbing. Both of those activities, like martial arts, require the participant to be actively engaged in the process, which encourages one to focus deliberately and intentionally and cultivates a clarity of the mind which is extremely important to me.
Any memorable family moments that you would like to share? Too many to share, if anyone is really interested they can ask me directly and I’d be happy to share.
Special moment at Elite MMA: As previously mentioned, receiving my black belt in Muay Thai and being acknowledge by those I respect at the gym.
Academic accomplishments: Graduating High School with Honors, completing my undergraduate degree in 3 ½ yrs, and obtaining my Master’s degree at age 24.
If you could walk us through a day or week in your life what would it consist of?
Mon – Fri.: Up at 4:30am to walk the dogs. 5:20am Work out/strength training and conditioning. 6:30am shower and dress for work. 7:10am Organizing and outlining my son’s school day. 7:30am Feeding the dogs, drinking coffee, and allowing myself 30mins to enjoy the morning. 8:00am – 6:30pm meeting with clients and attending to administrative duties for my private practice. 6:30pm Reviewing my son’s school work and assisting him as needed. 7:00pm-8:00pm preparing and eating dinner. 8:00pm -9:30 Relaxing and connecting with my family. 9:30pm-11:00pm Personal time to read or watch TV/Movie. 11:00pm Bedtime.
The exception to the schedule is Thursday where I am able to train and teach at the gym from 4:00pm to 8:00pm.
The weekends typically consist of early morning bike rides, breakfast with the family, catching up on some household chores from the week, and finding recreational activities to do with the family whether that’s cooking out, watching a movie, playing games or going for long walks with the family and dogs.