Elite MMA Online: Week 2
As we make pivots along the way the power will be generated, like your MMA training. #EliteStrong

Some important things to know below.
- How To Log In to Elite MMA Online – Virtual Classes with Zoom
- Estimated Setup Time for 1st Class – 5-10 minutes
- Computer
- Click on the meeting invite link below
- If it is your first-time using Zoom, your computer will prompt you to install the necessary software
- Follow the prompts and be ready for your class to start
- Mobile Phone
- Click on the meeting invite link below
- If it is your first-time using Zoom, your phone will prompt you to install the Zoom app
- Follow the prompts and be ready for your class to start
- Meeting Info for All Classes
- Join Zoom Meeting
- https://zoom.us/j/9158824051?pwd=WCsyTVN5NFltZkJtVkRhL0grTU91QT09;
- Meeting ID: 915 882 4051
- Password: Elite3-30
- How do I get class attendance credit?
- In zoom, make sure in the chat area put your first name, last name, and location you are coming from.
- Instructions on how to screen share zoom to a monitor or TV:
- Don’t forget to login to the online courses to make sure you’re studying your moves.
- https://elite-mma.teachable.com/courses
- Access code EMPOWERONLINE.
- Live classes will be recorded and added to the online courses if you miss a class or need to review.
- Frequently asked questions and answers: