Elite MMA Online: Live interactive class EXPERIMENT on Zoom tomorrow (Monday)
Dear Elite Team,
Exciting news! Hai has been using his MIS degree from U of H (Go Cougs!) to begin creating a platform for all of us to train martial arts at home and work! Clearly, 4 days is not sufficient time to create a Disney production but with your help we can create one!!! So, we need your help tomorrow if you are available to do a pilot test. If you want to participate, you can review the “how to” information, pick out a class or classes you want to participate in, do a class or two, then give us feedback and suggestions. Our GOAL is to create a fun, awesome, interactive class for all students during this time of social distancing.
I am a perfectionist by nature, so I find it very important to get my expectations straight before we launch a “seat of the pants” project so I can personally still have fun even if it does not work (it not working will give us important information about what needs to be done to actually make it work!!!).
You can expect: 1: it not to work perfectly, 2: it may not work at all, 3: it may work for some and not others, 4: we can have fun learning what to do and not to do, 5: and lastly, a huge commitment from us to create something on this planet that we did not have two weeks ago!!!
Listed below is a schedule of classes which you can log into through the Zoom app. Mitch will document the technical protocols to login in. Show up for class in your Gi, workout clothes, or other attire you find relevant for trying our video class (David Campbell will be wearing his Purple Barny Costume 😊). Try to have a space about 8ft x 8ft to move around in. You will want the screen (phone, computer, or tv) in front of your open space for the workout. If you want music for the class, you will have to provide your own for now. Mats, carpet, knee pads, pillows, etc. may all come in handy to reduce hard surface pressure on bones if you have them.
Thank you for your patience, your help, and your commitment to your health and the health of those around you. “Health is wealth, are you investing?” is a slogan I really like. Instead of seeing you on the mats, I look forward to seeing you on the screen.
Godspeed, Eric and the Elite Staff

Some important things to know below.
- How To Log In to Elite MMA Online – Virtual Classes with Zoom
- Estimated Setup Time for 1st Class – 5-10 minutes
- Computer
- Click on the meeting invite link below
- If it is your first-time using Zoom, your computer will prompt you to install the necessary software
- Follow the prompts and be ready for your class to start
- Mobile Phone
- Click on the meeting invite link below
- If it is your first-time using Zoom, your phone will prompt you to install the Zoom app
- Follow the prompts and be ready for your class to start
- Meeting Info for All Classes
- Join Zoom Meeting
- https://zoom.us/j/9158824051?pwd=N2NSYXBWWFd6Z0JHNUJUdjR0T2laUT09
- Meeting ID: 915 882 4051
- Password: Elite3-22
- How do I get class attendance credit?
- In zoom, make sure in the chat area put your first name, last name, and location you are coming from.
- Instructions on how to screen share zoom to a monitor or TV:
- Don’t forget to login to the online courses to make sure you’re studying your moves.
- https://elite-mma.teachable.com/courses
- Access code EMPOWERONLINE.
- Live classes will be recorded and added to the online courses if you miss a class or need to review.