Elite MMA - Re-Opening
Baytown Location

Mat Layout
Virtual Tour:
  • 2 bags (1 for supplies and 1 for gi or training equipment)
  • 1 small bottle of (disinfectant can be acquired at your Elite Facility)
  • 1 small towel
  • 1 large towel or plastic bag ( to put over your vehicles seat after class)
  • 1 cloth mask
  • 1 bottle of water
  • Mask Plan:
    Video for re-opening:
    Signup.com registration: Video
    Signup.com registration: Written
  • Find a partner and agree on which class time you want to sign up for

    • Limit 3 indoor group classes per week
    • Options are as follows:
      • Monday/Wednesday/Friday evening classes
      • Tuesday/Thursday evening classes
      • Tuesday/Thursday/Friday morning classes
  • Choose which class you want to sign up for and click on the registration link for your location
  • For Partner classes, sign you and your partner up. Reserve just 1 spot for the both of you putting both of your names along with an F if your training time is flexible and a C if your training times are concrete (non-flexible)
    • Example: John Smith and Mary Thomas – F
  • After reserving your spot, add a comment indicating who you are partnered with
  • Make sure to come for your designated class with your designated partner.  During Phase 1 we will not be able to do substitutions on days or partners to ensure no cross contamination between classes
  • Link to signup.com registration
    Mixed Martial Arts Houston


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    Mixed Martial Arts Houston


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